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4 questions to ask to help your presentation skills training
Do you still get nervous when delivering an important presentation in the workplace? You aren’t alone! In fact, some research suggests that a fear of public speaking is the most common phobia in the world, affecting more than 7 in 10 people.24 Nov 11 -
Body language tips when presenting
Body language is central to a presentation’s success and can make the difference between a dynamic delivery and a dull one. In fact, studies have shown that only 7% of what we say comes from the words themselves, with 93% being communicated through visuals and tone of voice.24 Nov 11 -
How to be more resilient
There never has been a time when we have needed resilience more than right now. With stress levels through the roof, the ability to not give up, not quit, to stick with it is easier said than done. Right now we need to work on our resilience.19 Nov 11 -
7 tips for improving your virtual business pitch:
As a businessperson or an entrepreneur, being able to pitch or present your business idea is a core skill. Whether it is a presentation in front of potential investors or a 30 second elevator pitch to someone you want to connect with, it is important that you know how to do it well.19 Oct 10 -
"Effortless delivery takes real effort" How to rehearse better for your next presentation.
A good presentation can make a career, creating a strong impression with the right people. A poor presentation can do the very opposite. Good leaders are generally good communicators and great presenters.17 Sep 09 -
The Power of a Career Journal
Starting your preparation when the job ad appears may already be too late if you are serious about your career progression. There is a better way and that is where a career journal can help.10 Aug 08